The Promote Better Blog – Insights & Practices to Help CPG Brands Thrive in Retail.

6 Signs Your Brand Should Consider Promomash Deduction Management Services

Written by Kurt Kaiser | Jul 22, 2020 5:48:18 PM

Promomash deduction management services can take over many or all aspects of organizing, cataloging, and validating the short payments that a brand’s customers make every month – and can even seek repayment for those short payments that are not valid.



Most brands already know that getting arms around deductions is a headache, because they have been doing (or trying to do) it all on their own. So, how does a brand objectively decide when they should consider handing the task off to an outside expert?


Here are six signs that your business process will benefit from Promomash Deduction Management services. 


  1. You've got a skill gap on your team.
    Let's face it: Few get into consumer products for the fun and ease of managing deductions. It’s a hassle. Experienced deduction managers are hard to find, and there is inevitable turnover. Promomash can manage the work long-term, or until your team is ready to assume responsibility.  

  2. You don't have a deduction management strategy.
    Even when you know your end goals, you may not know the best path to get there from where you are right now. The Promomash “digitize-reconcile-recover” model covers all the bases and will quickly deliver value to your brand. 

  3. You need additional hands.
    Some brands just don't have the resources to properly and expeditiously process all of the deductions they receive.  Promomash can add the extra hands required to get the job done in a timely manner. 

  4. You've got bigger fish to fry.
    It is a good business move to bring in Promomash when your team needs to focus on more important matters than the time-consuming activity of validating deductions. 

  5. You need to minimize costs.
    In addition to helping you minimize invalid deductions, our service creates cost savings by reducing steep learning curves and staffing needs. And the Promomash DM team can do the work very cost-efficiently.

  6. You need to maintain a 35-40% gross margin.
    Gross profit/net sales...a pretty simple equation. But how much do you know about the cost of goods sold part of gross profit...or the trade spending costs that drive net sales? Promomash will help you understand the customers, products, and reasons for the costs that erode margin, so that you can do something about them!    

Whether your need is for a specific part of the process or all-encompassing, Promomash has an option to serve your needs.  Our managed service for deductions delivers a high-quality process at a lower cost than employing your own full-time resources – providing you with an excellent investment/payback balance. Learn more about our services or schedule a time to meet with us and explore how we can help.